Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The good shit's all on vinyl anyway

I am often guilty of not taking recommendations seriously... movies, music, books, everything. Is it because I'm afraid that it will be good and I didn't find it myself and that will hurt my ego? Is it because I'm predisposed to think it will be a waste of my time? Is it because I've already got "my thing" and don't want to pollute what I know I like with something that will require me engaging a foreign subject matter? I don't know. Strangely enough, though, the people I surround myself with usually have a pretty good idea what I will like or dislike. I guess that's what a friend is.

So... what the hell am I rambling about? Well, I watched High Fidelity tonight, one of Nathan's recommendations from years ago. I had already seen it once but didn't really give it much of a chance because my singular focus at that time was Chinese film. On rewatch, though, it is a great flick. I can completely identify with the record store music snobs and the way they define people by the music they listen to. At one point in the movie, Cusack's character says, "What really matters is what you like, not what you are like. Books, records, films, call me shallow but these things matter!" I agree (to a certain extent). There's not much more exciting than meeting a perfect stranger and discovering you have a favorite artist or movie or book in common... it's like a shorthand for compatibility.


Speaking of High Fidelity, Hammacher Schlemmer has a really cool vinyl-to-cd recording component by TEAC. Kinda makes me want to buy some LPs ... aaaaaaaand then rip them to my iPod.

If you don't know, now you know...

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